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What is the Harbor?

Mit dem Aufstieg in die arktische Zukunft wirst du die Baustelle des Hafens im Südwesten der Stadt finden. Damit der Hafen seine Arbeit aufnehmen kann, musst du Promethium Extraktion erforschen.

The Harbor will allow you to select a crew to send on a journey with a ship and bring back a special resource - Promethium. You will need Promethium to progress forward on the Tech Tree, it's a resource you cannot trade with other players and it cannot be plundered as well. To select a crew member you will need to pay 25 Arctic Future goods of a specific type. The crew members themselves have various strengths and weakness which will result in extra effects such as additional or less Promethium, longer or shorter journey time, less or more ship damage, etc.

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In the image above you can already see the stats for your next journey (-15% damage, 50 Promethium, 1 day for the trip). The standard damage is 15% per trip, though it can go up or down depending on the crew you have selected. Whenever your ship returns from a journey, you can switch to the "Repair" tab in the Harbor and if your ship has reached a damage threshold you will be able to repair it using goods. There are several damage thresholds and the more damaged your ship becomes the less Promethium it will bring back but also the journey time will be longer.

Arctic2 shipstatus.png

If you choose not to repair your ship at all, you will still get Promethium but a very small amount and the journey will be very long.

Harbor Upgrades

The Harbor itself can improve over time as you unlock new researches. The second level for your Harbor comes with the Arctic Stations research. This will improve your journey stats by increasing the Promethium amount (57 instead of 50) and decreasing the time for your journeys (21 hours instead of 24). Additionally, unlocking Arctic Stations will also give you the leveling ability for your crew members.

Every time a person is a part of the crew, they get a certain amount of experience points. Once the required experience amount is reached and you decide to pay for the level-up with Arctic Future goods, they will level up! Naturally, the higher the level the greater results of their work. But also the higher level you want to get, the more experience points that crew member will need.


Hier findest du alle Crewmitglieder und ihre Fähigkeiten. Manche Mitglieder der Crew sind nicht sofort verfügbar, sondern werden erst durch Forschung freigeschaltet.

Mitglied 1. Fähigkeit 2. Fähigkeit Forschung Beschreibung
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Promethium Extraktion
Bobby ist Spezialist für das Bergen von Promethium, so erhältst du mehr.
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Promethium Extraktion
"Spitzhacke" Pikatthi ist eine regionale Berühmtheit in Sachen Promethium-Beschaffung.
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Promethium Extraktion
Avril verringert die Dauer der Reise durch ihre exakten Berechnungen der Route.
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Promethium Extraktion
"Zippy" Zhon beschleunigt die Reise.
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Promethium Extraktion
Matrosin Elise sorgt für eine schnellere Reise und hilft bei der Promethium-Ausbeute.
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Promethium Extraktion
Allrounder Remy kann sowohl Promethium beschaffen, als auch die Reisedauer verkürzen.
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Promethium Extraktion
"Tsunami" Tsani ist eine blitzschnelle Steuerfrau, aber ihre Fahrlässigkeit beschädigt dein Schiff.
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Promethium Extraktion
Maddox findet immer neue Lagerräume für Promethium, aber beschädigt dabei dein Schiff.
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Promethium Extraktion
"Magic" Malik sorgt dafür, dass das Schiff wenig Schaden nimmt auf Kosten von Stauraum.
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Promethium Extraction
Der zuverlässige Riley stellt sicher, dass das Schiff wenig Schaden nimmt, dafür erhöht sich die Reisedauer.
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Regenerative Methods
Sam findet auch in den kleinsten Ecken Platz für Promethium. Zusammen mit ihrer Schwester Kim ist sie unschlagbar!
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Regenerative Methods
Kim sorgt für eine ruhige Fahrt. In Kombination mit ihrer Zwillingsschwester Sam ist sie unschlagbar!
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Regenerative Methods
Josh kennt sich sehr gut in der Arktik aus und kann Ressourcen finden. Man sagt sich er findet sogar Diamanten in den verschneiten Bergen.
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Regenerative Methods
Always smiling and doesn't mind getting her hands dirty. Madiha optimizes the storage, logistics and atmosphere for everyone on board.
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Regenerative Methods
Need something? Bryce is your man! He supplies everyone with everything as quickly as possible. So there's enough time to take care of your own tasks.

Crew Skills

Here you can read a more detailed explanation of the various skills that crew members have.

Name Beschreibung
Hub main icon promethium.png
Increases (+) or decreases (-) Promethium from the journey.
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Increases (+) or decreases (-) the duration of the journey.
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Ship Health
Increases health/repairs the ship (+) or decreases health/damages the ship (-) during the journey.
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When both crew members are selected they boost each other's skills.
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Brings a random additional resource from the journey (even Diamonds possible).
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Promethium Boost
Increases (%) the Promethium output/skill of other crew members
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Time Boost
Improves (%) the Time skill of other crew members